We HUMAN have a survival mechanism, that is through emotions, we feel emotionally connected with major to minor things, it can be with some living or non living sources. Can vary from a planter or plants to a special shirt or shoes, can be with some bowl or spoon or with some carpet or decor pieces or anything. It could be with some furniture piece or item like hanging light maybe or a console table. Depending upon the nature of thing, you are referring to.
And that ain’t bad you know, it is good to have attachments, it has some memories and it isn't weird to hold onto it, this world would have been fake and artificial without emotions.
And while talking about attachment with an object, if that means you stick to an old furniture item or decor piece than it is a great thing in itself you know. Let me tell you how, well that means you will care for it more and you won't get rid of it which is good for saving our environment from waste pollution you see. It goes a long way for everyone.
What you can do is, maintain it to suit your new space or environment. While you would still keep your emotions intact with it. And actually helping, in reducing the amount of waste produced everyday. Change begins from home, do you know why it’s important? Let me take you through it. Just like you have heard about fast fashion & it’s down side. Have you ever heard about FAST FURNITURE ?
Fast furniture - Sustainability’s upcoming issue

Well its basically derived from the contemporary buzz. The immense influence of online trends is the reason of our careless behaviour towards the impulse buying. In other words, consumers are spending less and buying more.
You see, we read and talk a lot about sustainability and saving planet but we hardly act upon it. We always go out and buy new stuff but do we really care about what happens to the leftover or left out or unloved & unused furniture or pieces? No, right.
So, what to do about this? If there is any décor piece or furniture item that feels outdated but you want to give it a new look and use it in your space then why not diy it and give it a new life. If that feels too much work then no worries. We brass on white have came to help the society to live sustainably. You can give us your item to upcycle for you or help you find that item a new home.
Just reach out to us and let’s live sustainably so we would leave a sustainable pollution free world to our future generations.